Storybook Archives

The place where imagination is set free and learning happens by accident

A knight approaching a dragon

The Gigantic Dragon

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a brave knight named Sir Arthur. He was the bravest of all the knights in the kingdom and always ready to protect his people from harm.

One day, an enormous dragon appeared on the horizon. The dragon was so huge that it could breathe fire that could burn down entire villages. The people of the kingdom were afraid and didn't know what to do.

Sir Arthur knew he had to act quickly. He gathered his armor, his sword, and his shield and set out to find the dragon. He rode on his trusty horse, Thunderbolt, and followed the trail of smoke and fire that the dragon had left behind.

After many long days of traveling, Sir Arthur finally found the dragon's lair. The dragon was sleeping soundly when Sir Arthur arrived. He drew his sword and prepared to strike.

But as he got closer, he noticed something strange. The dragon wasn't breathing fire or trying to attack him. In fact, it seemed like the dragon was sleeping peacefully and not causing any harm.

Sir Arthur decided to investigate further. He approached the dragon slowly and noticed that the dragon had a thorn stuck in its paw. The dragon was in pain, and that's why it had been breathing fire and causing destruction.

Sir Arthur realized that he didn't have to fight the dragon after all. He gently removed the thorn from the dragon's paw, and the dragon woke up, feeling much better. The dragon looked at Sir Arthur with gratitude, and they became friends.

The dragon explained to Sir Arthur that he had been kicked out of his own kingdom by a cruel king who didn't like dragons. He had been forced to flee and had been wandering ever since. Sir Arthur realized that the dragon wasn't the enemy, but rather, the victim of an unjust ruler.

Sir Arthur knew what he had to do. He rode back to his own kingdom and rallied his fellow knights. Together, they set out to overthrow the cruel king and bring justice to the land. With the help of the dragon, they were able to defeat the king's army and restore peace to the kingdom.

From that day on, the dragon lived happily in the kingdom, and Sir Arthur had a new friend to accompany him on his adventures. The people of the kingdom no longer feared the dragon but saw him as a protector and friend.

And so, Sir Arthur and the dragon lived happily ever after, knowing that true bravery lies not in fighting, but in compassion and friendship.

Reading Check

What was the name of the brave knight who set out to defeat the dragon?
Why did the dragon breathe fire and cause destruction in the kingdom?
What was the name of the knight's horse?
What did Sir Arthur notice about the dragon when he arrived at its lair?
What did Sir Arthur do when he realized the dragon had a thorn stuck in its paw?
Why had the dragon been kicked out of its own kingdom?
What did Sir Arthur do after he helped the dragon?
Who did Sir Arthur rally to overthrow the cruel king?
What did the dragon do to help Sir Arthur and the knights defeat the cruel king?