Storybook Archives

The place where imagination is set free and learning happens by accident

A man and a mountain

The Wise Mountain

Once upon a time, there was an old man named Jack who lived in a small village at the foot of a great mountain. Jack had always been curious about the mountain and often wondered what secrets it held.

One day, Jack decided to climb the mountain and explore its mysteries. He packed some food, water, and warm clothing, and set off on his adventure.

As Jack climbed higher and higher, he felt his legs grow weary and his breaths become shorter. But he didn't give up. He continued climbing until he finally reached the top of the mountain.

As he stood on the summit, Jack felt a sense of peace wash over him. He looked out at the breathtaking view and felt like he was on top of the world.

Suddenly, he heard a voice speaking to him. It was a deep, rumbling voice that seemed to come from the mountain itself.

"Who are you, and why have you come to visit me?" the voice asked.

Jack was surprised but not afraid. He introduced himself and explained that he had come to seek advice from the mountain.

The mountain listened patiently as Jack shared his concerns and worries. When he was finished, the mountain spoke.

"Life is like a mountain, Jack. Sometimes it's tough to climb, and you might stumble along the way. But keep moving forward. Take your time and enjoy the journey. You will find your way if you trust in yourself and keep going."

Jack listened to the mountain's wise words and felt a sense of comfort. He thanked the mountain for its advice and promised to come back again.

As he climbed down the mountain, Jack felt renewed and energized. He knew that the mountain's words would stay with him forever, guiding him through life's ups and downs.

And from that day on, Jack visited the mountain regularly, seeking its guidance and finding peace in its majestic presence.

Reading Check

What is the name of the main character in the story?
What was Jack's reason for climbing the mountain?
What did Jack pack before setting off on his adventure?
What did Jack feel as he stood on the summit of the mountain?
What did Jack hear as he stood on the summit of the mountain?
Where did the voice seem to come from?
What did the mountain compare life to?
What did the mountain advise Jack to do?
How did Jack feel after listening to the mountain's advice?